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Housing Authority Minutes 09/06/2011

The regular meeting of the LHA was held on Tuesday Sept. 6, 2011 at 4:30 PM at Turnure Terrace.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Sorrentino at 4:35 PM.
  • Roll Call:              Present –    Tess Sorrentino, Chairman
      Catherine May, Vice Chairman/State Appointee
      Jan Ward, Treasurer
      Marge Pero, Holly Higgins, Members    
       Martha Joyner, Exec. Dir.     Absent – None
      Others Present:  Tenants                                                         
  • Tenant Forum
No topic requests for agenda.  Exec. Dir. has sent a written notice to all tenants at Curtis and TT that as of Oct. 1, 2011 cable will increase $3.00.  Time Warner has an automatic increase every May which affects the monthly rate.  A letter of request from C. R. for a fence to block smoke and snow from porch area was read, the site was viewed by members.  Exec. Dir. will contact B. Thornton, Bldg. Inspector to verify any codes that may apply or safety concerns.  Tri-Town Health will be asked if they could send a notice to all tenants regarding smoking and distances that must be kept from doors/windows when smoking outside by grandfathered smokers.  Fence request will be placed on Oct. agenda for further discussion/possible decision.   
  • Minutes/July annual, regular meeting.  
Jan made the motion to accept the minutes for annual and regular meetings, Marge seconded. Holly abstained from the vote.  Remaining in attendance voted in favor. Minutes will be sent to the town web site.  
  • Accounts payable/Aug.
Accounts payable for Aug.  were approved.  July account reconciliation was distributed, 4001 bal. approximately $31,000 including rents deposited, transfer $1074.92 from 689 MMA to 4001, as of 8/31/11 Curtis porch fund balance $936.34includes $800 set aside to be used to refinish wood floor outside of office. DHCD has approved a subsidy exemption of $10,000 to cover June storm tree damage work.  Marge made the motion to approve the 4001 budget revision showing total revenue of $438,953.00 and total expenses of $ 501,941.00 requesting a subsidy of $49,537.00.  Jan seconded and all in attendance voted in favor.  Rep. Pignatelli was very involved in assisting us with obtaining this emergency funding and he also has advocated for increasing the bond allocation to $95M for capital improvements.    
  • Project updates
LHA is now working on phase 4/5 of Curtis porch.  It is Exec. Dir. understanding that our $5600 request for CPA funds is being held up because the town attorney has not reviewed our contract.  Holly suggested Exec. Dir. write request to expedite the review to Town Mg., cc to Selectmen, and CPC Frederick Keator.   Members suggested a variety of fund raising events that will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  • Vacancies
As of 9/1/11 Curtis – 0, TT – 1 (should be leased by 9/15), Families –1    
  • Old Business
Exec. Dir. evaluation – Tess drafted a new form for all to review, Part A to be completed by each member, Part B to be completed by DHCD Asset/Project Mg., Accountant, and our Attorney. Cathie made the motion to approve the new form, Holly seconded, and all in attendance approved.  Members including past Chairman C. Nasman will complete.
NAHRO – no response regarding the possibility of reducing the age limit for 667 housing.
Marge suggested this idea to Rep. Pignatelli and he was very interested and would like more information.  Exec. Dir. suggested a % of tenants based on a mixed use concept.
Curtis Park Easement – no response as of this date to email dated 7/12 requesting update status.  Exec. Dir. will contact town manager again.
  • New Business
CIMS plan was presented/discussed.  Jan made the motion to approve, Cathie seconded, and all in attendance voted in favor.  The plan is available in the LHA office for anyone interested.  
Letter from S. Barry regarding schedule of step repair was read, funds are now in place, and contractor will start within next two weeks (weather permitting). Marge asked if Att. LaFore could be contacted to advise on what she would need from the board to proceed with Curtis Assoc. contract.  Exec. Dir. explained that Atty. LaFore has suggested forming a committee to work with her that could report back to the members.  Members would prefer her to come to a meeting if she could. Exec. Dir. will ask her availability.
8/25 lightning – Curtis intercom, elevator phone, chimney, and fire panel were knocked out. All were back in service within 24 hrs.  Chimney will be repaired within a week. Sullivan Ins. Co. was notified of loss. Exec. Dir. has been discussing the need for lightning protection with DHCD and has solicited companies for assessments/evaluation of the building. Only one small tree was damaged from the hurricane.
Budget guidelines have been released; budget meeting will be coordinated with our accountant - scheduled in Oct. or Nov.
Cathie asked about Lenox “all boards meetings” and if we were included.  Marge will inquire.
  • T. Sorrentino adjourned the meeting at 6:30 PM.    All members in attendance voted in favor.  
Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Joyner, Secretary to the Board
Executive Director                                    
